Welcome! Camp Springs Community Church

CSCC’s Statement of Faith Page

About Us below:

CSCC is a congregation affiliated with IFCA and is located in Clinton, Maryland, just minutes from Joint Base Andrews. Please feel free to explore our website and the future (Table of Contents Page) to see how CSCC can best meet your spiritual needs and those of your family. (for more about us visit the About Us Page).

Contact, Times & Other Important Information .

For upcoming events see the Events Page & Calendar Page , and visit the Registration Page to sign up.

Each week while the services are occurring, please visit us live on our YouTube Channel beginning at 10:00 AM (hint: “subscribe” to our YouTube channel to receive notifications when we are live, as well as notifications when new content is posted). Services are tape-delay posted to the CSCC YouTube Channel on Sunday afternoon for later viewing. Wednesday Bible Study begins at 7:00 pm and AWANA (during the school year) at 6:30 pm (or over the summer “Soccer with the Savior” — a youth bible study and soccer clinic) — all events are on-site.

For more information about CSCC and its ministries, click any of the links at the top of the page or our future Table of Contents Page:. To listen to a past sermon click on the Sermon Notes link;

Please one of these links to make a donation (via PayPal) or via Venmo using @CampSpringsCommunity-Church for the recipient code. Please click this to follow us on Facebook.

What Makes CSCC Distinct? CSCC is a fundamental church (literal interpretation of Bible).

CSCC is a friendly, family church that emphasizes growing in grace and truth.

  • Dispensational, believing that God is working in a different fashion in the Church Age, after the coming of Christ, than He did through the system of Law in the Old Testament.
  • Pre-millennial, Pretribulation (the belief that the church will be raptured as a prelude to the Great Tribulation and Millennial reign of Christ [1 Corinthians 15:35-58, 2 Thessalonians 2 & 4]).
  • CSCC is not a part of the modern Pentecostal or charismatic renewal movement. We believe that the sign gifts of miraculously speaking in a foreign tongue and signs and wonders were First century signs to unrepentant Jews and as such ended with the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD or at the latest with the completion of the New Testament around 95 AD. God still performs miracles today, but the sign gifts ceased at the end of the First century (Acts 2, 1 Corinthians. 12-14).
  • CSCC believes in personal evangelism, discipleship, and stewardship on behalf of all believers.
  • CSCC supports world missions and church plants.

(for more about us visit the About Us Page).