
Requirements for Membership

◾Must be a born again Christian (John 3:16). ◾Must have been baptized as a believer. ◾Must fill out a membership application form. ◾Must agree to abide by Church Constitution & Bylaws.

Responsibility of Members

Voting members must attend at least 50% (two services per week) of the weekly church services to be eligible to vote at official business meetings. The Deacon Board is expected to be faithful in attendance at regularly scheduled church services and should be faithful in serving in the ministry. Members should seek to serve on a committee and in a ministry as the Lord leads. We discourage members from becoming overloaded, making them ineffectual in the Lord’s work (Psalms 127:1-2). We also encourage members to make sure they are serving the Lord inside and outside of the church. Too many believers do very little or nothing at all for the Lord. Everyone is called to do something for Him (1 Corinthians 12).

Visitors and New Members

Visitors and new members find that CSCC is a loving, Spirit-directed fellowship in which their participation adds to the joy and effectiveness of the Body to the praise of God. If you are looking for a bible-centered, Christ-honoring family Church in Southern Prince George’s County, perhaps CSCC is the fellowship for you.

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